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Dialogue as a section to three dimension world

Dialogue has always been an essential part of human interaction, but with the advent of modern technology, it has become even more important. In the past, dialogue was limited to face-to-face interactions, but today, it is possible to connect with people from all over the world through various means of communication, such as phone calls, video conferencing, and instant messaging.

But what is it about dialogue that makes it so powerful? One could argue that it is the connection that is established between people through the exchange of words and ideas. In essence, dialogue creates a bridge between people, connecting them in a real dimension of space.

However, it is not just any type of dialogue that is capable of creating this connection. In order to have a meaningful dialogue, the words and ideas being exchanged must have a certain level of symmetry, or balance. This symmetry is what allows the dialogue to take place in a three-dimensional reality, where the participants can interact and connect in a way that is meaningful and profound.

One example of this can be seen in the concept of the golden ratio, also known as Phi. The golden ratio is a mathematical concept that has been found to be present in many different areas of nature and human creation, including the arts, architecture, and even the human body.

In the context of dialogue, the golden ratio can be thought of as the perfect balance between words and ideas. A dialogue that is based on the golden ratio will have a symmetry and flow that is natural and easy to follow. This type of dialogue can lead to a greater understanding between people and can help to create a connection that transcends time and space.

In conclusion, the idea that dialogue is a section in three-dimensional reality connecting people in a real dimension of space is not just a metaphor. It is a real phenomenon that can be experienced and observed in the world around us. By focusing on the idea of the golden ratio and striving to create dialogues that are balanced and harmonious, we can hope to evolve our perception and create deeper connections with those around us.


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